Praying to a God of Free Will
If you have ever prayed for another, who is in desperate need of God to repair/restore their lives, you know that you are dependent on that person allowing God to come in and work. This is because God is a gentlemen, a God of free will, and love uncompelled. There is no love in compulsion! You pray and pray for God to cause that person to give up what ever destructive habit they have, and it seems like they just do it all the more. You start to think that God is not answering your prayers, when in fact he is. Be encouraged, greatly encouraged! When the object of your prayer hits bottom and realizes its death, or God rehab and revival, then you will get the answer you have longed to hear.
How many of us are praying for friends, relatives, neighbors, and country, to return to God. How many times have we quoted 2 Chronicles 7:14 ?
2CH 7:13 "When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 15 Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. 16 I have chosen and consecrated this temple so that my Name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will always be there. Is not the present economy and advance by America's enemies the result of the shutting up of heaven? Are we not God's people called by the name of CHRISTians? And are our bodies not "temples" of the Holy Spirit so that his "name may be there forever"? Of course, and it follows that his "eyes will be open his ears attentive", and " his eyes and heart will always be there"!
Now then we have heard whispers this week of a collapse in the Bond Market. The debt of this nation is supported by selling treasury bonds. Companies, states, and municipalities also sell bonds to raise money for projects. In the past these have been the single safest way to save money and receive a small return on your investment. A portion of all good investment portfolios should have some bonds. The percentage of bonds, compared to other types of investments, should increase with the age of the investor.
The Bonds of the United States, of late, have been mostly purchased by China and the Arab oil producers. (See my post "Pieces of the Puzzle Nov. 19, 2008 for more on that subject Those bond holding nations are a little nervous about the value of our dollar right now. There is no possible way that the United States could sell enough bond to finance the last two economic stimulus packages. They are just too huge. Those stimulus packages are being paid for by straight out
printing of dollars! We are currently getting away with it because much of those packages is in the form of loans to troubled industry (fannie, freddy, GM, Chrysler, Ford, AIG, Citigroup, etc) And because other important currency nations such as the E.U. and England have done the same thing, helping to keep our dollar stable comparatively.
If U.S bailed out industry were to begin defaulting on their loans, and go into bankruptcy, two things would happen: the dollar would fall, and interest rates would race upward.
Interest rates would rise because those nations buying/holding our bonds would lose money if they continued buying and holding. When they stop buying our debt and start selling it we have to pay a higher yield (percentage rate) to continue borrowing (finance the deficit). Private interest rates you pay on small business loans, home mortgages, and credit cards are set by adding percentage points to the interest rate of U.S. Treasury Bonds. If the cost of U.S. debt goes up so does yours!
The falling dollar and rising interest rates will have a second major impact on the lives of Americans: INFLATION! Since we run a trade deficit,(buy more than we sell), we will have to pay more dollars for everything we import.
Total Crash
The effect of these forces on the U.S. and eventually the rest of the world will be TOTAL CRASH! A useless dollar would send the U.S. and the World from recession into global depression. I would expect that some psychopath politicians and nations would, as in the past, take military advantage of such a global situation.
Prophetic Expectations
We expect that some scenario just like this will lead to the rise in prominence of the E.U. world throne of the coming AntiChrist. The U.S. must take a back seat for that to completely happen. We expect that to all lead to a global cooperative government.
We expect a great "latter rain" revival to prepare the Bride of Christ "without spot, wrinkle, or blemish". The latter rain ripes and prepares the crop for harvest. The wheat and tares can easily be separated when the heads become ripe.
We expect an attack against Isreal by Gog, Magog, Meschesh, and Tabul.
It is not possible to know for certain if this is the moment, but we see the signs and know the seasons. It sure looks like the time is at hand. A crash in the U.S. bond market could set it all off: humanity racing like lemmings off the cliff of Revelations and Armageddon. The stage is set. The actors are in place.
Back to Praying for Revival
So you've been praying for a great awakening revival. God is hearing you. This materialistic, narcissist, hedonistic nation still is not ready to face the death of self and submission to the God who made them great and rich. America has not hit bottom yet. The next shoe to drop is dangling high in the air, held onto by just the tip of the laces. Don't lose heart now keep praying. And keep preparing, getting ready, to disciple the coming prodigal sons back into the Fathers house. They are about to begin eating pig slop to survive. Then will their thoughts turn back to their loving Father and his care for his servants. Then will they drag their motley humbled selves back into his waiting loving arms!! Lift up your hands and praise the Lord he is about to pour out the blessing of answered prayer upon America.