If you have studied anything at all involving Biblical End Times Prophecy then you cannot but help think that we are caught in that event horizon, increasing speed, headed down the vortex. Have you ever thought of how particularly bad it will be for America. Jesus said the the end would be like a "woman in labor". Those birth pains get closer together and more intense. Doesn't it seem like the news media is reporting diaster events in waves the last few years. Doesn't it seem like the diasters are getting more intense.
There is a principle in the Bible that does not bode well for America: the greater the revalation of God's glory the greater and swifter the judgement. Think of the those who had great revelations of God's glory and therefore the greatest evidence to know that he is God, worthy of all obedience and worship. There was:
Adam and Eve - they knew God and walked with him in the Garden. Their sin resulted in immediate knowledge of impending death, and banishment from idyllic life. They saw all sorts of evils and strife enter into humanity (their children and grand children, because of them).
Korah and his followers(Numbers chap 16)- Here were men who witnessed all of the miracles of the Exodus from Egypt and the pillar of cloud by day, the pillar of fire by night. They saw the manna and the quail. They saw the Tabernacle and its dedication where the "Glory of the Lord" came down and filled the place, and the priest could not stand to minister. The result of their rebellion was to be swallowed up by the ground and fall into the Abyss. The judgement was immediate and severe.
Achan (Joshua chap7)- he kept some of the plunder from Jericho. As a result 36 men died trying to take Ai, and Achan was later stoned.
Judas Iscariot - he saw daily the Lord Jesus, the miracles and heard the revelation of Jesus teaching. At his betrail Satan entered him. He had no peace, hung himself (Matt 27;5), he burst open and all his intestines spilled out (Acts 1:18)
Ananias and Sapphira (Acts chap 5)They saw the glory of Pentacost, the miracles, and the growth of the Church. They lied about a gift to the Holy Spirit and fell dead!
Now the Plymouth Pilgrims established a foothold America on the desire to worship God in the way they saw right. Their Coming to America was not unlike the Crossing of the Jordan river into the Promised Land by the Jews, or the escape by Noah and his family. They helped by Indians that could have simply killed them all. Later Jamestown was founded by an order from the Queen to establish a colony and "evangelize" the Indians. It is impossible to study early American history all the way up to the Presidency of George Washington and not see the miraculous hand of God in creating this nation. There after the U.S. has been blessed with wealth and power beyond any nation on Earth. How many songs have been written about the Glory the God has bestowed on America.
Which is better miracles or blessing? They are both a gift of God and evidence of God's Glory. A miracle is and immediate fix to a pressing problem and does give a revelation of God's glory but, if you are in blessing you don't need the miracle. If you are in a land flowing with milk and honey you don't need manna and quail falling from the sky? This has been the glory of God for America, it has been miracles in establishment and blessing in sustenance.
Now almost a majority of America has failed to take the time to see and remember God's glory and rejected him. Our society resembles those that God destroyed in the Old Testament and that of Pagan Rome. Imagine the judgement that will take place in America when the Church has been removed and the Tribulation has begun. At Korah's rebellion God commanded Moses to, "separate himself from the Assembly of the people" , Moses interceded for the people and told them to, "separate themselves from the tents of Korah and his followers". Then the ground opened up and swallowed the rebellious. This nation is being divided in many aspects and issues but all of the division seems to relate to one's stance on morality. The wheat and the tares are easily distinguishable now. Isn't the coming Rapture like the separation before the judgement?
Imagine the best and kindest 50,000,000 people taken out of our population. A high percentage of the military, a higher pecentage of the farmers families, any government offical, judge, or law officer that has ethics to do faith in God, etc. The chaos and upheaval will be greater here than anywhere else.
This American generation is pampered and narcissist. When the shortages, famines, anarchy, and economic collapse come they will suffer more than those who are used to poverty. Those who have grown up in this blessed land and seen the best of God's glory will have the hardest and most severe time in the Tribulation. Not only will the hand of God be against them but also the hand of man. The World hates us. They will not change their attitude instantaneously just because the Christians are gone.
The first thing I see is an ecomonic colapse. Imagine what the Stock market will do when 5o million people and their economic contribution evaporates into thin air. The banking industry will also take a hit when 10 million or more families are not their to pay their mortgages, credit cards, and car payments. Retail takes another hit, as well as property values and rents (think 10,000,000 or more vacant houses!!!). The whole ecomonomic situation spirals downward at blazing speed. The rest of the world, with lower population losses, is not hit as hard and moves in like sharks to kill the wounded prey. The euro takes over completely and the dollar is worthless with inflation escalating into triple digits and greater. The supply of foreign goods dries up instantly and there are shortages.
What an anarchy this will create in the streets. If there aren't enough troops to restore order foreign troops will be brought in. America will once again be a colony of Europe and serve it. America will be quickly stripped bare and left to die naked in the streets!!
Christian based commentaries and observations.
Quote of Note
Billy Graham's Prayer For Our Nation
: 'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance.
We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem.
We have abused power and called it politics.
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free.
: Amen!'
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Good evening
Awesome blog, great write up, thank you!
Wow all I can say is that you are a great writer! Where can I contact you if I want to hire you?
TO the one who wanted to contact me: you can email me directly to youvebeenleftbehind@gmail.com
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